Whenever we set a goal, we think we are on the right track to it, but more often than not something appears and disrupt the plan. My fashion instructor used to nag at us during the last month before collection deadline, "Always expect the unexpected, even simple things like crossing the road, do not assume drivers are looking out for you, you have to be alert." It was reiterate this week.
In my opinion, sticking to a plan is a good thing, but following it in the most precise and straightest line is a dumb thing. Yes, you'll achieve the goal faster, however you'll most likely miss the plenty of unforeseen paths that might lead you somewhere else, which might improve your final creation to a whole new level. You'll get what you planned, but not what it could have been. Which is a pity.
Now I share with you a famous quote by a Zen Master,
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few."
-Shunryn Suzuki
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